Page 9 - National Care Academy Non Accredfited Course Catalogue
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Clinical Care Courses                                                                Industry Programs

        CODE               COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                            CPD          CODE                COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                             CPD

                  The Single Quality Framework                               0.75         IP001    Serious Incident Response Scheme                             1.0
        CLIN08                                                                                     •  The role of SIRS
                  •  Introduction and background
                                                                                                   •  Why is SIRS so important?
                  •  Consumer dignity and choice
                                                                                                   •  When will the SIRS commence?
                  •  Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
                                                                                                   •  What is a reportable incident under SIRS?
                  •  Personal and clinical care:
                                                                                                   •  Internal reporting requirements Care Staff
                       •  Safe and effective care
                                                                                                   •  How is the SIRS different from the current compulsory
                       •  Effective management of high-impact/high-prevalence risks
                                                                                                   •  Reporting requirements
                       •  Consumers nearing end of life
                                                                                                   •  How do I report an incident under the SIRS?
                       •  Consumer deterioration
                                                                                                   •  What are the benefits of SIRS?
                       •  Information sharing, documentation and communication
                                                                                                   •  Incident management systems
                       •  Timely and appropriate referrals                                         •  What information should be recorded about each incident?
                       •  Minimisation of infection related risks                                  •  When should staff record incidents?
                  •  Services and supports for daily living                                        •  Quality assurance
                  •  Organisation’s service environment                                            •  The role of the Aged Care Quality and Safety
                  •  Feedback and Complaints                                                       •  Commission
                  •  Human Resources                                                               •  The stages of complaints handling
                  •  Organisational Governance                                                     Restrictive Practices
                                                                                          IP002                                                                 1.0
                  Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace
        CLIN09                                                               0.5                   •  What are Restrictive Practices
                  •  Types of injuries                                                             •  Amended Legislation
                  •  Duty of care                                                                  •  Key Points from the Commission
                  •  Hazards and risks - Management                                                •  Principles of Restrictive Practice
                  •  Factors that increase the risk of slips, trips and falls                      •  Requirements of the Provider
                  •  Reporting and documentation                                                   •  Restrictive Practices Compliance Notice
                                                                                                   •  Chemical Restraint, Environment Restraint, Mechanical Restraint,
                                                                                                      Physical Restraint, Seclusion
                                                                                                   •  Requirements for the use of any restrictive practice
                                                                                                   •  Assessment prior to the use of restrictive practices
                                                                                                   •  Use of restrictive practices in an emergency
                                                                                                   •  Responsibilities
                                                                                                   •  Behaviour Support Plans
                                                                                                   •  Consent

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