Page 5 - National Care Academy Non Accredfited Course Catalogue
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Quality Use of Medicines Courses                                                  Quality Use of Medicines Courses

        CODE              COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                           CPD            CODE                COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                             CPD

       QUM004     Falls in Client Care                                      1.5          QUM005B   Identification and Assessment of Pain
                                                                                                   •  Identification of pain in residents
       QUM004A  Falls Physiology
                                                                                                   •  Pain assessments
                  •  Physiology of balance                                                         •  Pain in cognitive impairment
                  •  Impact of falls                                                     QUM005C  Treatment of Pain

                  •  Common falls risk factors                                                     •  Treatment options
       QUM004B  Falls Risk Assessments and Management                                              •  Drug and non-drug options
                  •  Falls risk assessments                                                        •  History of Analgesia
                  •  Management strategies for common risk factors:                                •  Mode of actions of Analgesia

                     •    Balance and Mobility                                                     •  Adverse effects
                     •    Cognitive Impairment                                                     •  Adjuvant Analgesics

                     •    Incontinence                                                             •  Use of Opioids in the elderly
                     •    Feet and Footwear                                                        •  Oral to IM conversions

                     •    Syncope and Dizziness                                                    Sleep and Hypnotics in Client Care
                                                                                         QUM006                                                                 1.5
       QUM004C  Falls management strategies

                  •  Management strategies:                                              QUM006A  An introduction to Sleep in Aged Care
                     •  Restraints                                                                 •  Physiology of sleep

                     •  Medication Monitoring                                                      •  Insomnia – type and causes
                     •  Injury Minimisation                                                        •  Purpose of sleep
                     •  Consequences of Falls                                                      •  Stages of sleep
                                                                                                   •  Changes in sleep pattern with ageing

       QUM005      Pain Management in Client Care                           1.5                    •  Results or poor sleep

                                                                                                   •  Sleep disorders
       QUM005A     Introduction to Pain                                                            •  Insomnia in Dementia

                   •  Introduction to pain                                                         •  Restless leg Syndrome
                   •  Types of pain                                                                •  Sleep Apnoea
                   •  Pain relief                                                        QUM006B  Management of Sleep Disorders: Non-drug Treatment
                   •  Pain responses                                                               •  Define the problem
                   •  Pain processing                                                              •  Assessment options
                   •  Case Study                                                                   •  Non-drug therapeutic options

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