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Mandatory Training Courses                                                Medication Competency Refreshers

        CODE              COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                           CPD            CODE               COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                             CPD

       MAN007     Fire Safety                                              0.75          MC001     Medication Competency Refresher Training for Care Staff      1
                  •  Employer and employee responsibilities                                        •  Right rules, regulations and requirements
                  •  Evacuation and fire safety systems                                            •  Right client
                  •  Types of emergencies                                                          •  Right time
                  •  Properties and classes of fire                                                •  Right dose
                  •  First response equipment                                                      •  Right route
                  •  Type of fire extinguishers                                                    •  Right medication
                  •  Using a fire extinguisher                                                     •  Right procedures
                  •  Bomb threats                                                                  Medication Refresher for RNs & ENs
                                                                                         MC002                                                                  1
                  •  Fire prevention
                                                                                                   •  Medications and the elderly
       MAN008     Supporting Consumers with Dementia                        1.5                    •  Right rules, regulations and requirements
                  •  Types of Dementia and statistics                                              •  The 5 ‘rights’ of medication administrations
                  •  Behavioural and Psychological symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)                     •  Drug calculation competency
                  •  Effective communication techniques                                  MC003     Drug Calculations Competency                               0.25
                  •  Impact of body language                                                       •  Calculate the correct strength and dose to be administered
                  •  Understanding behavioural changes and triggers
                                                                                         MC004     Remedial Retraining – Right Client                         0.25
                  •  Psychosocial strategies for behaviours of concern
                                                                                                   •  A refresher course on the ‘right client’ the ‘5 Rights’ of assisting
                  •  Pharmacological strategies                                                       clients with medication
                  •  Psychotropic Solutions
                  •  Consumer unmet needs                                                MC005     Remedial Retraining – Right Time                           0.25
                                                                                                   •  A refresher course on the ‘right time the ‘5 Rights’ of assisting
                  •  Regulations, Legislation and Policy
                                                                                                      clients with medication
                  •  Protecting self and others
                  •  Behavioural assessments                                             MC006     Remedial Retraining – Right Dose                           0.25
                  •  Physical and medicinal restraint                                              •  A refresher course on the ‘right dose the ‘5 Rights’ of assisting
                                                                                                      clients with medication
                  •  Planned responses to BPSD
                  •  Apply responses to BPSD                                             MC007     Remedial Retraining – Right Route                          0.25
                  •  Organisation Policy for BPSD                                                  •  A refresher course on the ‘right route the ‘5 Rights’ of assisting
                                                                                                      clients with medication
                  •  Incident reporting
                  •  Self-care strategies                                                MC008     Remedial Retraining – Right Medication                     0.25
                  •  Summary                                                                       •  A refresher course on the ‘right medication the ‘5 Rights’ of as-
                                                                                                      sisting clients with medication

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