Page 7 - National Care Academy Non Accredfited Course Catalogue
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Quality Use of Medicines Courses                                                               Clinical Care Courses

        CODE               COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                            CPD          CODE                COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                             CPD

                  PRN Psychotropic Use in Client Care                                              Wound Care and Management in Client Care                    0.75
      QUM010                                                                 0.25        CLIN01
                  •  General principles of PRN drugs
                                                                                                   Introduction to Wound Care, Healing and Assessment:
                  •  BPSD – Behaviours and Triggers
                                                                                                   •  Structure and function of the skin
                  •  Adverse effects
                                                                                                   •  Types of wounds
                  •  Symptoms that do and do not respond to Antipsychotics
                                                                                                   •  Skin changes in the elderly
                  •  Benzodiazepine use                                                            •  Principles of wound healing
                  •  Psychotropic solutions                                                        •  Wound assessment and documentation
                                                                                                   Wound Management
                                                                                                   •  Revise wound assessment and healing
      QUM011  Crushing Guide                                                                       •  Principles of chronic wound formation
                                                                                                   •  Chronic wound types
                  Psychotropic Solutions
      QUM012                                                                  1                    •  Preventing wounds
                  •  A proactive approach to antipsychotic medication management:
                                                                                                   •  Principles of wound management
                      •  Senate committee recommendations 2014
                      •  The Oakden Review 2017                                                    Antimicrobial Stewardship in Client Care
                      •  PSYCHOTROPIC acronym protocols                                  CLIN02                                                                  1
                                                                                                   •  Introduction to Antimicrobial Stewardship
                      •  SOLUTIONS acronym protocols
                                                                                                   •  The new Quality Framework
                  Cytotoxics in Client Care
      QUM013                                                                 0.5                   •  Antimicrobial Stewardship in Australian Health Care
                  •  Common Cytotoxics                                                             •  Preventing and controlling healthcare
                  •  Indication for Cytotoxic use                                                  •  Associated infections
                  •  Correct handling, administration and storage                                  •  Antibiotic resistance and statistics
                  •  TGA Medicines Safety Update                                                   •  Antimicrobial Stewardship in client care
                  •  Quality use of medicines approach to Cytotoxics                               •  Quality use of antibiotics in client care:
                                                                                                   •  ANTIBIOTICS acronym

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