Page 2 - National Care Academy Non Accredfited Course Catalogue
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Mandatory Training Courses

        CODE               COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                            CPD             CODE              COURSE NAME & SUMMARY                           CPD

        MAN001  Workplace Healthy & Safety in direct client care              1            MAN004     Food Handling Safety and Hygiene                          1
                                                                                                      •  Discover how to maintain food safety while carrying out food
                   •  Discover and understand safe work practices.                                       handling activities
                   •  Policies and procedures                                                         •  Comply with personal hygiene standards
                   •  Workplace hazards                                                               •  Contribute to the cleanliness of food handling areas, accord-
                                                                                                         ing to The Food Safety Program
                   •  Client related risks
                                                                                                      •  Dispose of food appropriately
                   •  Minimising risk
                                                                                                      •  Follow hygiene procedures and identify food hazards
                   •  Reporting incidents and injuries
                                                                                                      •  Report any personal health issues
                   •  Preventing injury
                   •  Suitable equipment in the care industry                                         •  Prevent food contamination and cross contamination by
                                                                                                         washing hands
                   •  Infection control
                                                                                           MAN005     Infection Control in a client care                        1
                   •  Raising concerns in your workplace
                                                                                                      •  Infection basics
                   •  Rights and responsibilities
                                                                                                      •  Types of infections
        MAN002     Manual Handling in client care                             1                       •  How infection occurs?
                   •  What is Manual Handling?                                                        •  Chain of infection
                   •  Risks and consequences                                                          •  Common infections
                   •  Legal responsibilities                                                          •  Transmission of infection
                   •  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control                              •  Preventing infection
                   •  Anatomy of the body                                                             •  Hand Hygiene
                   •  Injuries                                                                        •  Managing Sharps, Spills, Linen and Waste
                   •  Assisting clients in aged care                                                  •  Food handling
                   •  Mechanical Devices and Equipment                                                •  Staff health

        MAN003  Workplace Bullying and Harassment                            0.5
                                                                                           MAN006  Elder Abuse                                                 0.5
                    •  Safe work Australia’s definition
                    •  Who is affected?                                                                •  What is elder abuse?
                    •  Consequences                                                                    •  Types of elder abuse
                    •  What should you do?                                                             •  Prevention
                    •  Employer Expectations                                                           •  Compulsory reporting requirements
                    •  Prevention                                                                      •  Detecting abuse
                                                                                                       •  Addressing elder abuse

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