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‘Hardwicke Matters’ Matters
Hardwicke Matters Contact Details
Letters, notices, articles, queries and other communications can be sent to Hardwicke
Matters by
• email to
• placing written communications in a sealed envelope labelled ‘For Hardwicke
Matters’ in one of the drop-boxes in Tesco Express on Elmgrove Road East or
Westbourne News on Westland Road.
• for advertising only, telephone Valerie Lockley on 07597 337854 or email
HM Disclaimers
Whilst Hardwicke Matters welcomes articles of interest, it reserves the right to reject or
amend items offered for publication. Wherever possible, articles should be no longer
than 500 words unless intended for serialisation.
Hardwicke Matters takes no responsibility for views expressed by contributors and
does not endorse any products or services advertised.
Data Protection Statement
All personal data is held securely by Hardwicke Matters. Data will be treated
confidentially and will not be disclosed to external organisations. The data will only be
used for Hardwicke Matters business.
You have the right to view, amend or delete any of your personal information we hold.
Requests must be made by email to or in writing to
the editor.
The Hardwicke Matters Data Protection Policy conforms to the The General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) 25 May 2018.
‘Volunteers always Needed ’
We are always seeking volunteers to spare an hour or so each month to help the
Hardwicke Matters team In a multiple rolls, from distribution, delivery of magazine, to
editorial and website help. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Peter Hill for
distribution and delivery rolls, on Tel: 07578 364686 or email: or the editor for editorial and web support at