Page 27 - November 2020 1 to 48_Neat
P. 27
Hardwicke WI
As I write this, the government has just announced that meetings
of more than 6 people indoors or out of doors is not allowed. This,
of course means that, like many organisations, we continue to be
unable to meet in person although members have been keeping in
touch through email and by ‘phone.
The Gloucester Federation of WIs and the National Federation of WIs continue to
provide members with opportunities to listen to interesting talks and take part in
some online workshops via Zoom.
We will continue to publish information in Hardwicke Matters as, and when, we can
resume our monthly meetings.
Julie James
I am finding it difficult to write articles like this for local magazines at the moment as
there is always the risk that by the time it is printed and delivered, it will be already out
of date.
However I think it is safe to say that the Coronavirus Pandemic and its impact will be
with us for some time to come.
First it is worth saying that so far we have been relatively fortunate that in our area the
spread of infection has been at a low level, but this could change at any time. The
County Council has a plan to handle any outbreak, whether within a workplace or
school or within the Community more generally. It is very important that we follow the
Government guidelines, but I think equally important that we stay positive and support
each other as this is going to be a long haul.
The second concern for all of us is the Economic impact of the pandemic. We were in
the fortunate position that we had a high level of employment before the pandemic
struck. The County Council and District Council are developing an Economic Recovery
plan, and the Government has handed out over £20m in the Stroud District in addition
to the furlough scheme. For many this has been crucial to survival, for others it may not
be enough and some were not eligible for help. In time we will get a better picture of
the longer term impact and which sectors of the economy need help, and will adapt the
plan to address this.
Finally I would like to give credit and thanks to organisations like “Hardwicke Matters”
who spread local news of activity in our specific area which is so crucial in these strange
If you have any questions on this or anything else please get in touch with me, you can
email me at or call me on
07802 595 307.
Cllr Stephen Davies