Page 3 - June 2023 Newsletter
P. 3

        IN    THE         S PO     TLI     GHT                             ISS TRAINING

                                                                                     There have been a number of assigned
                                                                                     training courses recently, and if you find

      We at Integrated Security Solutions (ISS) would like to                        yourself with some down time, there are
      welcome some of our fresh faces to the organization. Each                      always free, self-paced courses through
                                                                                     Bosch and Avigilon that are available
      issue will highlight the fresh faces and even some familiar                    to take.  Please check with your Project
      faces, so everyone will know who they are and where they                       Manager about these courses and use the
      work within the company.                                                       following links to create your account to
                                                                                     access them.
      We are once again be shining the spotlight on people at
      Integrated Security Solutions, Inc. In this edition, we will
      focus on the recent new faces. This month the featured     ing/video-systems/
      new faces are headed to all parts of the ISS/NGB Team.     B and G Series Intrusion Alarms, BOSCH Access Modular Con-
      Please welcome our new team members.                       troller, BVMS Technical Certification

                       Daniel Schneid, Project Coordinator       Login (
                       Mr. Schneid comes to ISS from Califor-    Any Avigilon ACC Courses or Hardware Courses; PELCO Vid-
                       nia, specifically the Sacramento area.  Mr.   eoExpert; General Industry Knowledge Courses
                       Schneid has over nine years of experience
                       as Database Administrator/Developer,      As always, once you’ve completed any course, please forward
                       Project Management & Coordinator. Mr.     certificates to me,
                       Schneid also is very fluent with Excel, Ado-
                       be Suite and WordPress. These skills will   As always, once you’ve completed any course, please forward
                       be a great asset to Mr. Schneid and the ISS/  certificates to me, If you have any ques-
                       NGB Teams.                                tions, please feel free to call me at 406-755-2504 x210.

                                                                 Looking forward to Summer, Peggy
                        Mike Murry, Project Manager (M&S)
                        Mr. Murry comes  to ISS  from  the great
                        state of Washington.  Mr. Murry has ex-
                        tensive experience in the fields of Process
                        Development, Improved Tracking and
                        Strategic Planning, and Operational Bud-
                        get Manager. He is very proficient within
                        People Management and Team Leadership.
                        This will go a long ways when performing
                        duties as a Project Manager for the Mainte-
                        nance and Services Department.

                      Renae Polensky-Gugler, Proposal Writer
                      Ms. Renae Polensky-Gugler comes to ISS
                      from beautiful Kalispell, Montana. Ms.
                      Gugler has extensive experience in writ-
                      ing, and graphic arts. She is very proficient
                      Graphic Artist and Web Developer. She has
                      experience as a Technical Analyst. These
                      many aspects will help her achieve great
                      things for ISS in the future.
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