Page 5 - June 2023 Newsletter
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ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                BUSINESS OFFICE

         June Birthdays:                                                          CORNER

         Tony Krause - 10th                                       Hello and Happy June!

         Greg Marciniak - 11th                                    We are only a few weeks away
         Jerry Fish - 16th                                        from the official First Day of
                                                                  Summer, Wednesday, June 21,
         Jim Hill - 26th                                          2023.  It’s hard to believe we are
         Nic Feisthamel - 26th                                    6 months into 2023.  If that isn’t
                                                                  enough of “Time Flying”, con-
         Larry Shockey - 26th                                     gratulations to all the parents
                                                                  out there that having kiddos
                                                                  graduating High School in a
         ISS Anniversary                                          few days.  Diapers to diplomas

         David Goyer - 06/18/2007                                 – it zooms by.
         Jeromy Wagner - 06/29/2009                               Human Resources has been very busy trying to hire new

         Kristofer Tanton - 06/01/2015                            employees.  Security Technicians always seem to be in short
                                                                  supply.  So far, there are 8 starting between June 5 and June
         Nicolas Feisthamel - 06/15/2020                          18. These technicians will be attending the ESS class in June

         Lucas Sicard - 06/14/2021                                and then on to Little Rock in July.  Hopefully, relief will be
                                                                  coming to the field SOON.  We also have a new Receptionist
         Logan Cherry - 06/01/2022                                / Office Assistant starting on June 12.

                                                                  It is official, ISS, Inc. will be moving to 1203 US Highway 2
         ISS Event Calendar:                                      W, Ste 5, Kalispell, MT 59901.  If you are from Kalispell, you
                                                                  may know this address better as the “old mall”,  The Gateway
         D-Day - 6th                                              Mall.  The goal is to be in the new building by July 1st.  We

         Flag Day - 14th                                          will be having a grand opening a little later in July.  More
                                                                  details will be coming about that.  Stay tuned!
         Juneteenth - 19th

         Summer Solstice - 21st                                   The Sharepoint site is back up and running.  It is still un-
                                                                  der construction, but many useful tools are available.  Please
                                                                  take a few minutes to check it out and let me know what
                                                                  else you would like to see posted for easy access. You can ac-
                                                                  cess the site with the following link: ISS Home Page - Home

                                                                  James Hill will be leaving ISS June 2.  He is headed to green-
                                                                  er pastures, making his own schedule, and of course,  living
                                                                  the good life of a retiree!   Thank you, Jim,  for your 9 years
                                                                  of service.  We wish you great luck! Know that you will be

                                                                  Thank you to everyone.  You are appreciated.  Please keep up
                                                                  the good work.  As always, let me know if the HR/Business
                                                                  office can help you in any way.

                                                                                        Contributor: Laura Cox
                                                                                        ISS Business Office Manager
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