Page 4 - June 2023 Newsletter
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JAMMY PEPPER PASTA                                           SAFETY LINES

                            SALAD                                June is National Safety Month
       Ingredients:                                                      Servings: 6  In 1996, the National Safety Council (NSC) established June
                                                                 as National Safety Month to increase awareness of health and
       • 1 cups nuts (such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, or pistachios)  safety risks to decrease injuries and deaths among workers
       • 3 lbs mixed bell peppers (baby, regular-sized or a mix of both)  in the United States. Worksite safety risks can be exception-
       • 2 red Fresno chiles                                     ally high in the summer months, given that problems from
       • 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil                            excessive heat, sun exposure, and dehydration can be more
       • 1 head of garlic, cloves seperated
       • 3 large sprigs of Thyme (if you have thyme in a bottle it is fine)  prevalent.
       • 2 1/2 tsp kosher salt, divided, plus more               National Safety Month is celebrated in June
       • 3 tsp sugar, divided                                    when people focus on how they can keep
       • 1/2 cup plus 3 Tbsp red wine vineger                    their environment safe and free from any
       • 1/2 red onion                                           danger. It is a time to reflect on the work-
       • 1 lb rigatoni (cooked)                                  ing conditions around the country and how we can create a
       • 6 oz. ricotta salata (salted dry ricotta)               safer environment for those who work hard for honest pay.
       • 1 cup basil leaves                                      By learning about safety methods, we can increase pressure
                                                                 on employers to offer a safer working environment to their
       Directions:                                               employees.
       Step 1 - Preheat oven to 350°. Toast nuts on a rimmed baking
       sheet, tossing halfway through, until golden brown, 5–10 min-  Each week highlights a different general safety topic to be
       utes depending on type of nuts. Let cool, then coarsely crush; set
       aside.                                                    discussed:
       Step 2 - Meanwhile, cut bell peppers in half lengthwise through   Week 1 – Emergency Preparedness
       their stems. Remove and discard any seeds and white ribs. Cut   Week 2 – Slips, Trips and Falls
       large bell peppers into 1”-thick strips and baby bell peppers in   Week 3 – Heat Related Illness
       half lengthwise. Thinly slice chiles crosswise into rounds; discard   Week 4 – Hazard Recognition
       Step 3 - Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high until   HOW TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL SAFETY MONTH
       shimmering, about 3 minutes. Add peppers,                 1.     Conduct a home fire drill
       chiles, garlic, thyme, 2 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp.            Fire is highly likely. However, taking precautionary mea-
       sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, until              sures can prevent severe damage. And what better time than
       peppers begin to soften and are golden brown
       in some spots, 10–15 minutes. Reduce heat to              National Safety Month to practice a fire drill. Select a safety
       medium-low and add ½ cup vinegar. Partially               point that’s close to your house. Test your fire alarms and per-
       cover pot and cook, stirring every 5–10 min-              form the drill.
       utes, until peppers are very soft, jammy, and browning in some   2.   Update your first aid kit
       spots, 35–45 minutes longer. Remove from heat. Pluck out and   Keeping an updated professional first
       discard any shriveled thyme stems.                        aid kit is a simple yet effective way to
       Step 4 - While peppers cook, thinly slice onion and transfer to a   keep yourself prepared for unforeseen
       small bowl. Add ½ tsp. salt and remaining 3 Tbsp. vinegar and   emergencies. Make sure to stock it with dressings, bandag-
       2 tsp. sugar, then toss to combine. Let sit to lightly pickle until   es, tape, ointments, wipes, aspirin, gloves, scissors, and gauze
       ready to use.                                             pads. Make sure to check the first-aid kit regularly and re-
       Step 5 - Cook rigatoni in a large pot of boiling salted water, stir-  move ointments and medications that have reached their ex-
       ring occasionally, until al dente. Drain and add pasta to pot with
       peppers. Add pickled onions and their pickling liquid, then toss   piration dates.
       well to evenly coat pasta. Let cool to room temperature.  3.     Practice self-defense
                                                                                  It’s always good to be mentally and physi-
       Step 6 - Crumble ricotta salata into pot, then stir in reserved
       nuts. Tear basil into coarse pieces, add to pot, and stir until            cally prepared to face any unforeseen harm
       combined.                                                                  or danger. The best part about self-de-
       Step 7 - Transfer to a large bowl and serve at room temperature,           fense is that anyone can learn it. Anyone
       or cover and chill if you prefer to serve salad cold.                      who needs to improve their strength and
       Step 8 - Do Ahead: Pasta salad can be made 3 days ahead. Let               agility can  practice  different  techniques
       cool to room temperature, cover, and chill.                                like karate, boxing, and jiu-jitsu.
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