Page 3 - May 2023 Newsletter
P. 3

        IN THE SPOTLIGHT                                                   ISS TRAINING
                                                                                     It seems like we’ve had a flurry of new
                                                                                     trainings courses and renewing courses
       We at Integrated Security Solutions (ISS) would like to                       this past month.  I hate to sound like a
       welcome some of our fresh faces to the organization.                          broken record, but it’s so important that
       Each issue will highlight the fresh faces and even some                       you complete these assignments.
       familiar faces, so everyone will know who they are and                        When we get paid, you get paid!
       where they work within the company.
                                                                                     ISS will not get paid if we submit unac-
       We are once again be shining the spotlight on people      ceptable paperwork to the government. You make the differ-
       at Integrated Security Solutions, Inc. In this edition,   ence! When you complete a training certification and email it to
       we will focus on the recent new faces. This month the     me, the ISS Data Department can
       featured new faces are headed to the NGB side.  Please    then attach those certifications for
       welcome...                                                acceptance  by the  government.
                                                                 Good as gold – everyone is happy!
                             Moses Jefferson, Technician I       When you do not have valid certi-
                                                                 fications on file, not only does ISS
                       Mr. Jefferson comes to ISS from the great   not get paid, but the government
                       city of New Orleans, LA.  Mr. Jefferson has   can issue an immediate stop-work
                       many years of experience as an installation   order (yikes!). Do you really want
                       technician. ISS/NGB expect great things   that to be the reason you get atten-
                       from him and know he is ready for the     tion from the big man?
                                                                 As always, once you’ve completed any course, please forward
                             Jerimani Jolly, Technician I        certificates to me,

                        Mr. Jolly comes to ISS from the great state   Happy Spring despite this morning’s snow squall.
                        of Georgia.  Mr. Jolly has experience as an
                        assembly line worker. He is very proficient
                        with hand tools. This will go a long ways
                        when performing duties as an installation
                        technician. ISS/NGB expect great things
                        from him.

                             Tommy Panpradith, Technician I

                       Mr. Panpradith comes to ISS from High-
                       lands Ranch, CO.  Mr. Panpradith has ex-
                       tensive experience as a mentor for newer
                       teammates. He is very proficient Quality
                       Control and Process Development. This
                       will help him immensely while performing
                       duties as  an  installation technician. ISS/
                       NGB expect great things from him.
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