Page 5 - May 2023 Newsletter
P. 5

ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                BUSINESS OFFICE

         May Birthdays:                                                           CORNER

         Heidi Lohmiller - 4th                                    Hello and Happy May!

         Jennifer Eversoll - 12th                                   The  Business Office  has been
         Ian Macfarlane - 20th                                    super busy trying to hire new
                                                                  employees.  I know there are
         Ray Anderson - 25th                                      plenty of you wonderful tech-
         Todd Kotila - 26th                                       nicians that have been working
                                                                  hard and need a break.  We are
         David Potter - 29th                                      hoping to get you relief soon.
                                                                  We have had several new tech-
                                                                  nicians start in the last 2 weeks
         ISS Anniversary                                          and there are more to come.

         Don Barnhart - 05/04/2020                                ISS participated in the Northwest Montana Job Opportuni-
                                                                  ty Fair this month.  We represented well and received some
         Whitney Barr - 05/10/2022                                promising applicants so keep your fingers crossed.

                                                                  One of the health benefits ISS offers is Healthiest You by Te-
         ISS Event Calendar:                                      ladoc,  which is for ALL employees AND their dependents.
                                                                  You do not have to be on the insurance plan to access this
         May Day - 1st                                            service.  This is a free service that allows you to access doc-

         National Day of Prayer - 4th                             tors and therapists by phone, video, or app.  Unfortunately,
                                                                  this was a benefit offered at open enrollment (November
         Star Wars Day - 4th (May the Fourth be                   2022) and I am not sure if everyone got enrolled.  If you have

         with you)                                                tried to access this service and were not able to login, please
                                                                  let me know.  If you are a newer employee, that started in
         Cinco de Mayo - 5th                                      December 2022 or after, you may not have been set up cor-

         Mother’s Day - 14th                                      rectly. All benefits are supposed to be tied together at once
                                                                  but sometimes things work much better in theory.
         Peace Officers Memorial Day - 15th

         Armed Forced Day - 20th                                  The door, my email and my phone are wide open to all em-
                                                                  ployees.  I am always wanting to know what works great or
         Memorial Day - 29th                                      what stinks big time for this company.  Let me know what
                                                                  you think.  I promise to listen to you and any ideas you have
                                                                  with an open mind.   Together we set the attitude, tone and
                                                                  success rate for ISS and Pedro’s.  Let’s make that a positive
                                                                  thing for EVERYONE.

                                                                  A HUGE “Thank you” to Peggy, Leighann, Lara and Chris.
                                                                  You keep the office running.  I appreciate you all.
                                                                                                      Contributor: Laura Cox
                                                                                        ISS Business Office Manager
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