Page 2 - November 2022 Newsletter
P. 2

      IN        THE               S    PO         TLI          GHT

      We at Integrated Security Solutions (ISS) would like to welcome some of our fresh faces to the organization.
      Each issue will highlight the fresh faces and even some familiar faces, so everyone will know who they are
      and where they work within the company.
           Can you believe this is the sixth edition of the ISS Newsletter?  We have shined the spotlight on a lot of
           people in this organization, and we will continue to do so, for this edition we are going to highlight a couple
           of  new   hires to the Board of Directors.  Please extend an ISS welcome to Mrs. Alex Sheneman and Ms.
           Marcelle Nihei.
                                       BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (BD)

                                               ALEX SHENEMAN, Manager
                 When you think about Business Development, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
                 Used Car Sales person, or maybe a Stock Exchange Pit Boss.  Well, if these were combine you
                 might be very close.  Business Development is a very demanding and volitale job.  This group
                 of individuals must dig through all the stuff the Government issues to potential contractors,
                 such as Request for Quote (RFQ), Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Information (RFI)
                 and even just a Sources Sought (SS). These solicitations could lead to projects.  Business De-
                 velopment will dig through all of these solicitations, like a forty-niner digging for gold.  Some-
                 times the BD team will get small projects and sometimes they get very large projects, as a result
                 of their hard work.  It is a consitent endeavor to get the RFP/RFQs to produce the projects that
                 keep ISS functioning at the best possible level. The team also works in the arena of marketing,
                 This is the area where the Stock Exchange Pit Boss comes in. Constantly on the lookout for the
                 best options to go after.

                                    CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT (CM)

                                               MARCELLE NIHEI, Manager

                 The Contracts Manager is responsible for researching, managing, and obtaining various con-
                 tracts that ISS is seeking, negotiating, and entering. The CM must be skilled in finalizing con-
                 tracts at the local, state, and federal government levels. She must be sharp, and knowledgeable
                 about the details and potential benefits of any contract and must successfully adjust to the needs
                 of ISS business specifically relating to security in order to continue to grow ISS business. CM
                 begins when ISS is awarded a contract. With that being said, she will assist with questions and
                 concerns during the proposal phase.  CM is knowledgeable about the details and potential ben-
                 efits of any contract.  CM must also embody the essence of a bulldog.  She must be able to work
                 through contract issue and guard against potential clauses within the contract that would harm
                 or hender ISS. Always vigilent and ever watchful. She maintains records/files for correspon-
                 dence and documentation in relation to established contracts and those in process. Monitoring
                 contracts and looking forward to close-out, extension or renewal according to what’s best for
                 the company.  Lastly, she is responsible for maitaining one of the most curcial and delicate
                 pieces of ISS and that is customer relations.  Without customer relations, ISS would not be able
                 to operate at the level of success we have now. She is not alone in this endeavor, Business De-
                 velopment comes along side and helps. Without this team work, no one department or person
                 could maintan it.
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