Page 3 - November 2022 Newsletter
P. 3

CURRENT PROJECT                                                  ISS TRAINING

                                                                                       As promised, our First Aid/CPR
                                                                                       training will take place during the
                                                                                       week of training in December.

                                                                                       This will be specifically for those of
                                                                                       you who’s certifcate is near expira-
                                                                                       tion and do not live or work locally.

                             Rose Dawson                                               In November I will send out the link
       P&I of ESS for the Headquarters (HQ) Unit-                that you will use to access the online portion of your training.
       ed States Army Reserve Command (USARC)                    It is necessary for you to take this course before you come
       Security Control Centers (SCC) located at                 to the hands-on training on December 22nd. Once you have
       Fort McCoy, WI, Fort Snelling, MN and Fort                completed the online portion, please forward the certificate

       Bragg, NC.                                                to me so I can get them to the instructor who will complete
                                                                 your hands-on certification.
       ISS Manager: Rose Dawson                                  Training and re-certification are ongoing. There are certifi-
       Subcontractor: Security Information System, Inc.          cates that need to be renewed annually and I’ve sent that in-
       (SIS), Evans Console & K2 IT Audit                        formation to you.  It’s important that you stay current with
       Project Leads - Ben Hoth (ISS) & Juan Montanez (SIS)      these certifications whether you’re in the field or in the office.
                                                                 Let me know if you need me to send that information to you
       ISS was tasked to install the Alarm Center Monitoring/    again.
       Dispatch System at two (2) locations: the Fort McCoy,
       and Fort Snelling Security Control Centers (SCC) which    Just a reminder, once you’ve completed any course, please
       house the primary and backup USARC Security Moni-         forward certificates to me,, Eddie Wise,
                                                       ,  and Kim Berosik,
       toring Automation Systems (USMAS) used to manage
       and monitor deployed IDS at USARC facilities through-                              Contributor: Peggy Lundin
       out the entire enterprise.                                                         ISS Training Manager

       SIS provides the most affordable & feature-rich software             ISS Office Halloween
       without exorbitant upgrade charges as users grow. Offer-
       ing a migration path from a single user system through
       an enterprise network on a standard PC platform, the                       Game Winner
       Alarm Center accommodates all size dispatch centers
       and keeps them on the “leading edge” by offering peri-
       odic upgrades and enhancements to the entire product
       line.                                                                    Candy Corn Jar

                                                                                (1,226 pieces)

       The Alarm Center is a modular and scalable security
       software platform designed to be the central point in
       alarm and data management. The Alarm Center Mon-
       itoring/Dispatch Module software has been Underwrit-                      Jeromy Wagner
       ers Laboratories, Inc. (UL) tested and is UL-1981 3rd
       Edition Classified for both Fire & Burglary (UL File#                     (1,116 pieces)
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