Page 5 - November 2022 Newsletter
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ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                      HR CORNER

         November Birthdays:                                        Happy November to you. Hope
                                                                    that you are able to spend time
         Jeromy Wagner – 3rd                                        with your family during this

         Michael Atchison – 4th                                     Thanksgiving season.
         Ed Sicard – 12th                                           Everyone should have received

         Lucas Sicard – 21st                                        an email from Employee
                                                                    Navigator yesterday (Oct 31)
         Eddie Wise – 30th                                          regarding open enrollment
                                                                    Nov 1-11. If not please check
                                                                    your junk email. Everyone needs to go in and complete
         ISS Anniversary                                            this. Also, please watch your email for a link I will be

         Ian Macfarlane – 11/17/2008                                sending out with a recording that is essentially a quick
                                                                    overview outlining our benefits! Be on the lookout for
         William Rector – 11/16/2015                                this great tool.
         Rose Dawson – 11/30/2015
         Adam Moore – 11/17/2019                                    With the transition of Life Insurance to BlueCross

         Tatum Kennedy-Elam – 11/08/2021                            BlueShield (BCBS) this year, there is a special one-
                                                                    time open enrollment for all current employees. If you
         Greg Vaughn – 11/29/2021                                   previously waived Life Insurance but have changed
                                                                    your mind, you can come on board now – without any
                                                                    medical underwriting.
         ISS Event Calendar:

         Election Day – 8th                                         I have posted fliers detailing many of the wonderful
                                                                    benefits ISS provides – so check out the Benefits Sec-
         Veteran’s Day – 11th                                       tion!

         Thanksgiving – 24th                                        The ISS Bulletin Board now contains all the new hire
                                                                    forms for people onboarding, as well as allowing cur-
                                                                    rent employees the option to make changes or update
         MONTANA HUNTERS                                            existing forms.  Remember you can message HR with
                                                                    any general questions you have and track the answers
                                                                    along with other employees.
         Give a shout out to Mr. Logan Cherry.                      Don’t procrastinate on using your floating days – this is
         Below is his Elk this year.                                a wonderful benefit.  We should take advantage of!
                                                                    Please feel free to contact me at 406-755-2504 ext. 213
                                                                                         Contributor: Kim Berosik
                                                                                         ISS Human Resources Officer
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