Page 39 - The Chief Culprit
P. 39


                               Stalin’s Role in the Rebirth of

                                      German War Power

                      Only one country—Soviet Russia—can win in the event of an all encompassing conflict.
                                             —A H,     L H,
                                                  B  , N   ,    

                        fter World War I, Central and Western Europe were in such a debilitated state that a
                        large war could not arise because no nation was capable of starting one. France was
                 Aamong the main victors. Under the terms of the Versailles Treaty, Germany paid huge
                 reparations to France, and the French had no motive to start a new war in Europe.  e main
                 concern of the French government was to maintain the new existing situation in Europe as
                 long as possible. French generals chose strictly defensive strategies.  ey built the Maginot
                 Line along their border, fashioned after the Great Wall of China.
                      Great Britain was also among the victors. Great Britain had no claims on any territories
                 in Europe.  erefore, Great Britain had no desire to see a new European war. Great Britain’s
                 interests included preserving the newly formed balance of power in Europe. Britain was at
                 the center of the greatest colonial empire in history, and its main interests lay outside of
                 Europe: to preserve its colonies. Great Britain had a powerful navy to defend its colonies and
                 trade routes, and a relatively small army to defend the homeland and maintain order in the
                 colonies. Even if the British government had the desire to start a new war in Europe, its army
                 was insufficiently strong to do so.
                      Germany, according to the Versailles Treaty, was completely disarmed.  e Versailles
                 Treaty not only demanded that Germany pay dues, dues, and more dues to France, but it also
                 forbade Germany to have, buy, construct, test, or produce any offensive arms, and strictly
                 limited defensive arms.  e remaining Central and West European nations could not unleash
                 a large war because they did not have sufficient economic or military might to do so and,
                 most importantly, they had no desire to do so.
                       e Kremlin leaders in this situation could have breathed a sigh of relief and completely
                 devoted themselves to the building of a peacetime economy. In order to avert war in Europe,

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