Page 34 - The Chief Culprit
P. 34

e First Contact  y  11

                         e peasants’ and sailors’ uprisings and the workers’ demonstrations were crushed by
                    the same man who lost the Polish war, Mikhail Tukhachevski. He showed inhuman cruelty,
                    and disregarded all international rules of law and human rights. Under his leadership thou-
                    sands of hostages were executed by firing squad, peasants were shelled with poison gas, and
                    villages were burned. Villagers were drowned in swamps; sailors were drowned, pushed into
                    holes cut in the ice.
                        Communist leaders were desperately looking for a way out of the crisis.  e Comintern,
                    finding itself in this desperate situation, made a decision that the only thing that could save
                    Bolshevism was a revolution in Germany.  e head of the Comintern, Grigorii Zinoviev, sent
                    his loyal follower, the Hungarian revolutionary Bela Kun, to Berlin. Kun, who in 1919 had
                    been the actual head of the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic, arrived in Berlin in March
                    1921 with an order from Zinoviev and the Executive Committee of the Comintern to the
                    Central Committee of the German Communist Party to seize power. For this the German
                    Communists had to organize an immediate uprising and abolish the Weimar Republic.
                        On March 22 a general strike was declared in the industrial regions of central Germany.
                    On March 24 the Communists took control of government buildings in Hamburg. In
                    Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz, and other cities of central Germany, the Communists organized
                    a takeover of courts, municipal buildings, banks, and police headquarters.  e official organ
                    of German Communists, Die Rote Fahne, openly called for revolution.” 3
                        Walter Krivitsky, one of the most highly positioned chiefs of Soviet intelligence, who
                    took part in the events, wrote: “We were sent to Germany for reconnaissance, mobilization of
                    dissident elements in the Ruhr region, and preparation of workers for an opportune moment
                    to start an uprising. We immediately formed three types of organizations in the German
                    Communist party: an intelligence and reconnaissance service, acting under the supervision
                    of the Fourth Directorate of the Red Army; military formations to serve as the core of the
                    future Red Army of Germany; [and] small fighter squads, whose orders included lowering the
                    morale of the Reichswehr (German Army)  ( e intelligence officers of the German and all
                    other Communist parties worked under the leadership of the Fourth Directorate of the Red
                    Army.  e Fourth Directorate, after changing its name several times, subsequently became
                    known as the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces,
                    or GRU.) 5
                        Although the attempt to take control of Germany in 1921 suffered defeat, in Moscow
                    preparations immediately began for a new seizure of power in Germany and the world.
                    On December 30, 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was born. In this
                    name there are no national or geographical limits. According to the plans of the founders of
                    the USSR, the Union was meant to spread throughout the world.  e “Declaration of the
                    Founding of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics” proclaimed that the USSR is only
                    the first decisive step in a creation of the World Soviet Socialist Republic.  e number of
                    republics was planned to expand until the entire world formed one giant Communist state.
                     e Founding Declaration of the USSR was an open and direct declaration of war to the rest
                    of the world.  is was an official document that stated the main purpose of the existence of
                    the giant state: to destroy and subordinate all remaining states of the world.
                         e coat of arms of the  USSR contains an image of the globe with symbols of
                    Communism superimposed upon it. On the day of the formation of the USSR, a member
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