Page 29 - The Chief Culprit
P. 29

6  y   e Chief Culprit

                 it was necessary to form “a political and military command center of Asian revolution, and a
                 revolution academy” in the Urals or in Turkestan, to form a special corps of 30,000 to 40,000
                 horsemen and “unleash them on India” to help the “native revolutionaries.”
                      Civil war raged in Russia and distracted the efforts to ignite a second world war in
                 1918 and 1919.  e main resources of the Red Army were tied up on internal fronts fight-
                 ing against those who opposed Communism. Lenin and Trotsky were not able to send aid
                 to the Communist nations that sprouted in Central Europe, nor could the Red Army reach
                      In 1919 in Moscow, Lenin and Trotsky created the Communist International, abbreviat-
                 ed as Comintern.  is organization defined itself as “the Headquarters of World Revolution.”
                  e goal of the Comintern was the creation of a “World Soviet Socialist Republic.”  us
                 began the process of creating and strengthening Communist parties on all continents.  ese
                 parties constituted sections of the Comintern and were subordinate to its leadership.
                      Allegedly, all Communist parties in the world, including the Russian party, had an
                 equal status.  ey all contributed to the communal bank of the Comintern. Delegates from
                 all Communist parties of the world held congresses, developed strategies and tactics, and
                 elected a common leadership—the Executive Committee of the Comintern.  is organ over-
                 saw all the Communists of the world.  e Communist Party of Russia officially was a section
                 of the Comintern, on equal footing with all the other parties, and bound to abide by com-
                 monly developed decisions.
                      In practice, however, the reality was an entirely different story. All the funds in the
                 Comintern budget came from the gold reserves of Soviet Russia. All the Communist parties
                 of the world were paid for by Moscow and existed only through financing from the Kremlin.
                  e Comintern itself was also created with Kremlin funds.  e leaders of the Comintern
                 lived and worked in Moscow, under tight control of the Soviet secret police. All their direc-
                 tives came from the Kremlin. Only those who were agreeable to the Kremlin leaders, and who
                 carried out all their orders without dissent, were chosen.
                       e Comintern was unique. Never before had history seen anything like it. In practi-
                 cally all the nations of the world, from Japan to Uruguay and Chile, Communist parties
                 sprouted and conducted a line of politics that was dictated from Moscow. In many cases,
                 delegates from Communist parties in those countries were members of trade unions, of legis-
                 lative bodies in their governments, and sometimes even members of governments—but that
                 was only the visible side of Comintern activity.
                      At the same time, Communists conducted not only an open struggle, but also a secret
                 one. Stated briefly, their ideology narrowed down to advocating:

                      n    e old world must be destroyed, and a new one built in its place.
                          To destroy the old world and build a new one, it is necessary to gain political
                          power. Gaining political power requires using all measures, ranging from the most
                          peaceful to the most violent, from the most open to the most secretive.
                      n     e struggle for a new world must unfold not on a national scale, but on a world scale.  e
                          interests of the World Revolution are more important than the interests of individual

                      Every person joining the Communist Party accepted this ideology, meaning he or she
                 agreed to fight against the interests of their own nation, if it became necessary, and to use all
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