Page 31 - The Chief Culprit
P. 31
8 y e Chief Culprit
there would always be those who opposed the treaty, who would call out for revenge and
act to get it. On October 15, 1920, Lenin declared: “ e order held by the Versailles peace
treaty lies over a volcano, since the seventy percent of the world’s people who are enslaved are
anxiously awaiting someone to come and start a struggle for their liberation, and to rock the
foundation of their countries.” 2
Lenin did not know that this someone had already come. His name was Adolf Hitler.
In September 1919 this someone joined the German Workers’ Party as number 007, and be-
gan the fight against the Versailles Treaty. is fight he called “My Struggle”—Mein Kampf.
In 1920 Russian Communists undertook a new attempt to spark a second world war
by ripping through Poland into Germany. Although the most favorable conditions for revo-
lution had already lessened, Germany in 1920 was still an acceptable place for class strug-
gles. Germany was ruined and dishonored. All her ideals were besmirched and mocked. e
country was enveloped in a harsh economic crisis; in March 1920 Germany experienced a
general strike, estimated to have had more than 12 million participants. Germany resembled
a powder keg, waiting for just one spark. e Red Army was supposed to bring this spark
to Germany. e mood of the Red Army was reflected in its songs and marches. One of the
most popular Soviet marches of 1920 included the words: “We’re getting Warsaw, Give us
Berlin!” e contender for the unofficial march of the Red Army was another song of 1920
called “White Army, Black Baron,” which contained the famous verse:
Fanning the world fire,
We will level churches and prisons
Since from the vast taiga to the British seas
No one is more powerful than the Red Army.
In the summer of 1920, the western front of the Red Army, under the leadership of
the ruthless General Mikhail Tukhachevski, began to advance with the objective of crushing
Europe. Excerpts from order #1423 given to the western front on July 2, 1920, announced:
“Fighters of the Workers’ Revolution! e fate of the World Revolution will be decided in the
West. e path to the world fire lies over the dead body of White (anti-Communist) Poland.
We will carry happiness and peace on our bayonets to the working people of the world. To
the West! To decisive battles and thundering victories!” 3
In the days when the Red Army was advancing toward the Polish cities of Warsaw and
Lvov, a second congress of the Comintern was taking place in Russia. e Headquarters of
the World Revolution then issued a call:
Brothers—Red Army Fighters, you should know your fight against the Polish slave drivers
is the most just war in history. You are fighting not only for the interests of Soviet Russia,
but for the interests of the whole of working mankind, for the interest of the Communist
International. . . . Soviet Germany, united with Soviet Russia, will immediately become
more powerful than all the capitalist powers combined! e Communist International
declared that Soviet Russia’s goal is its own goal too. e international proletariat will not
sheath its sword until Soviet Russia joins the Federation of the Soviet Republics of the
World as an integral link. 4