Page 27 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 27

In November of '39, a new Neutrality Act is passed. The sale of arms to the UK

               is now legal. The scheming FDR has taken a big step towards involving America
               in a war that his Zio-Globo handlers have long been agitating for.

                   With help from the Jewish Press and Jewish Hollywood newsreels, Jewish
                Money King Bernard Baruch and his puppet FDR undid the previous Neutrality

                                                 NOVEMBER, 1940

                          FELLOW JEWS IN ORDER TO GAIN SYMPATHY

               The  Patria  is  carrying  1800  Jewish  émigrés,  originally  from  Europe,  whom
               British  authorities  are  deporting  from  Palestine  to  Mauritius  (island  off  of
               southern African coast) because they lack entry permits. The ship soon explodes
               and sinks off the coast of Palestine, killing 267 people.

               The Zionist "Haganah" terror-military group claims that the passengers blew up
               the ship as a suicide protest against British refusal to let them arrive in Palestine.

               The truth eventually comes out and it is revealed that Haganah planted the bomb
               which  sank  the  ship  in  just  15  minutes.  Hard  core  Zionists  would  rather  see
               Jewish passengers die than be relocated to Mauritius. The propaganda value of a
               “mass suicide protest” would outweigh the value of even Jewish lives.
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