Page 28 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 28

The “official story” today is that Haganah only wanted to cripple the ship, not

               sink it. Regardless of the intent, Haganah murdered its own people and lots of
               them too!

                                                 1-The sinking of Patria

                                                    2-Haganah units

                  3-Future Prime Minister of Israel David Ben Gurion – part of the Patria plot

                                               NOVEMBER 30, 1939
                                   SOVIET UNION INVADES FINLAND

               Just  two  months  after  swallowing  Poland,  Stalin  launches  an  invasion  of
               Finland. As he had with Poland, Stalin breaks another 1932 non-aggression pact

               he had agreed to; The Soviet-Finnish Non Aggression Pact of 1932.

               The  invasion  is  massive,  with  21  Soviet  divisions  consisting  of  450,000  Red
               Army  troops.  Stalin  expects  to  overwhelm  Finland  in  a  matter  of  weeks  and

               install a government of Finnish Communists currently waiting in Moscow, but
               the brave and outnumbered Finns stage a heroic defense of their homeland. The
               "Winter War" is an embarrassment for Stalin. A treaty is signed the following
               March, but the Finns are forced to give up some territory.
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