Page 30 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 30
British can place their mines, and also to occupy Denmark. German diplomats
assure the leaders of both Scandinavian nations that Germany seeks neither
conquest nor interference in internal affairs. (11) Life under limited German
occupation goes on quietly for the Scandinavians during the war. Quisling’s
name is now a dictionary word in the English language, synonymous with
“traitor” – a totally unfair characterization.
1-Hitler prevented the UK from using Norway & Denmark as bases of operation
against German shipping.
2-Norway’s Vidkun Quisling was a patriot - not a traitor.
3-The Germans dropped leaflets over Denmark which explained their actions,
condemned British warmongering, and reassured the Danes that Germany
would protect their country.
MAY 10, 1940
The British invasion of tiny, neutral Iceland is code named "Operation Fork." It
begins on May 10, 1940 (the same day that Churchill comes to power) with
British troops disembarking in the Capital City of Reykjavik. The British quickly
move inland, disabling communications networks and securing landing
locations. The government of Iceland protests the violation of their neutrality,