Page 167 - Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
P. 167


                   Chapter 22

                   City of the Gods

                   The overwhelming message of a large number of Central American
                   legends is that the Fourth Age of the world ended very badly. A
                   catastrophic deluge was followed by a long period during which the light
                   of the sun vanished from the sky and the air was filled with a tenebrous
                   darkness. Then:

                      The gods gathered together at Teotihuacan [‘the place of the gods’] and wondered
                      anxiously  who  was to be  the next Sun. Only the sacred fire [the material
                      representation of Huehueteotl, the god who gave life its beginning] could be seen
                      in  the darkness, still quaking following  the recent chaos. ‘Someone  will  have to
                      sacrifice himself, throw himself into the fire,’ they cried, ‘only then will there be a
                   A drama ensued in which two deities (Nanahuatzin and Tecciztecatl)
                   immolated themselves for the common good. One burned quickly in the
                   centre of the sacred fire; the other  roasted slowly on the embers at its
                   edge ‘The gods waited for a long time until eventually the sky started to
                   glow red as at dawn. In the east appeared the great sphere of the sun,
                   life-giving and incandescent ...’
                     It was at this moment of cosmic rebirth that Quetzalcoatl manifested
                   himself. His mission was with humanity of the Fifth Age. He therefore
                   took the form of a human being—a bearded white man, just like
                     In the Andes, Viracocha’s capital was Tiahuanaco. In Central America,
                   Quetzalcoatl’s was the supposed  birth-place of the Fifth Sun,
                   Teotihuacan, the city of the gods.

                   1  Pre-Hispanic Gods of Mexico, pp. 25-6.
                     Ibid., pp. 26-7.
                   3   Ancient America,  Time-Life International, 1970, p. 45;  Aztecs: Reign of Blood  and
                   Splendour, p. 54; Pre-Hispanic Gods of Mexico, p. 24.

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