Page 10 - HENDONISME test2
P. 10
The Charms of
The Fairy Tale Village
By : Picture Book Learning
Soo Jin Ae
Ketut Susilo (Photography) Library Center
A little half-moon-shaped Visiting this Picture Book This Greenshop has several
island, Namisoem or Nami Library, you can find a child- programs to offer. One of the
Island is located about 60 km friendly and soothing most valued is the "Wild
east of Seoul in Chuncheon, atmosphere where kids may Grass Paper Making" course
Gangwon Province, South bury themselves in an which uses unique local
Korea. outstanding book collection, materials like mugwort,
accompanied by varied straw, reeds, the bark of
We can trace the name back children's programs and mulberry, and metasequoia
to General Nami, a young activities. trees. They call the paper
courageous soldier during the artworks “Nami-ji” where “ji”
Joseon Dynasty who Handicraft has a meaning of paper.
suppressed a riot yet,
unfortunately, died at the Studio
age of 27 after being falsely
accused of treason during the Established in 2001, this
reign of the seventh king, studio is a place for activities
King Sejo. that aim to use an electric
kiln to fire a few ceramics
that evolves into the making
Now, we would explore and
get the best experience of the of glassware, wood crafts,
fairy tale Nami Island, dye crafts, and papercrafts.
especially its cultural
25 October, 2022