Page 165 - Media&Information Literacy - Good Practices
P. 165
set out to describe and sketch the histories of every currently known political
system. Over 100 types of actually exercised goverments
Broadly described, government (управление) might be exercised according
to Aristotle by one person, by a few people, or by many people, and in
each case such rule may be exercised properly or improperly.
The grounds of his classification – quantitative principle: How many persons
rule the comпunity/the state
Why do you think he uses „many“? Which is here the most required quantity
possible? What do you think?
The second topic - What Aristotle understands here as properly and improperly.
Obviously this concerns and is related to the government as such, to its sense to
be exersiced
What is according to you the overall, ultimate goal of each government?
Proper (or ‘right’) rule (управление) is undertaken
for the common good
while improper rule aims to serve private interests, whether of the one, the few,
or the many themselves.
By ‘common good’ Aristotle did not mean the interests that people happen
to share, but that which is good for their community, since a good
community for him promotes the well-being of all its members by allowing
them to exercise their proper potentials and to lead virtuous and successful
Aristotle’s classification of six forms of rule:
royalty, where one person rules in the common interest; tyranny, a ‘deviation’
of royalty, where one person rules in his private interests;
aristocracy or proper rule by the few; oligarchy, which is the deviant form of
proper rule of the many, called ‘polity’ (държавно устройство, система на
управление) by Aristotle; and its deviation for which he reserved the term
democracy and finally we come to the last form
demos – people
Of these six forms of government, Aristotle argued that the best would be
a royalty, where a single, noble ruler performed his proper function, followed