Page 166 - Media&Information Literacy - Good Practices
P. 166
by a properly functioning aristocracy.
III. Definition of Democracy – the essential features
Here, we are getting closer to the question how to define democracy.
What are the essential features of democracy as the best governance we
recognize today?
Democracy must be a rule by the people.
Who are these people - all who have reached the age of majority. They have the
right to decide how the society is ruled in every current case of decision. How
does this happen?
Two main types of real democracy – the rule of all adult citizens: Direct or
Indirect democracy. The direct form of democracy is that everyone
participates directly in deciding the all issues of government. Indirect
democracy is through political representation to express the will of its
supporters and by imposing the will of the majority over other groups in society.
American democracy is made possible, indeed necessitated, for him by
‘equality of condition,’ that is, by equality in people’s access not just to voting
or holding public office but also to economic advantages and culturally,
Exercise 1: let us split into three teams
The task is: Let each team do a brief research to
Identify and give a highly democratic situation and respectively – the
absolute undemocratic situation/institution/example of everyday life: an
example – historical or current, fictional or real – of the most democratic
and of the most undemocratic situation, institution, or practice you can
think of. And you have to explane why you chose these examples.
IV. Problems of Democracy – how to improve, perfect, bring to perfection our
Exercise 2: The three teams now have to choose a topic on the problems of
democracy and to demonstrate and argue on this topic, to give their pro and
The political representation,
the individual rights and freedoms,
the tyranny of the majority
the supremacy of law,
the proper and dignified leadership,