Page 69 - Coworking Course Syllabus&Lesson Plans
P. 69

“Up-skilling in Remote Working through Exploring the Relatively New Phenomenon of Co-working”
                   Grant Agreement &Project Number N 2021IT01-KA210-VET-000037820

                                             Lesson/Tutorial Plan

                   Subject: Coworking
                   Topic/ Title: Coworking: The Future of Work
                   Co-working concept element: benefits and challenges of coworking
                   Grade Level: 11th

                   Designed by:


                                              Description of the lessons: a series of /4/ lessons

                                                 1.  Introduction:
                                                     •  Start the lesson by asking the students about their
                                                        experiences of working in a traditional office environment.
                                                     •  Introduce the concept of coworking as an alternative way of
                                                        working, where people from different backgrounds and
                                                        industries share a common workspace.
                                                     •  Show a short video or presentation that explains what
                                                        coworking is and its advantages.
                                                 2.  Benefits of Coworking:
                                                     •  Discuss the benefits of coworking, such as reduced isolation,
                                                        increased productivity, and networking opportunities.
                                                     •  Ask the students to share their thoughts about these benefits
                                                        and how they think coworking can improve their work lives.
                   Lesson        What is         3.  Challenges of Coworking:
                   Overview      the                 •  Discuss the challenges of coworking, such as distractions, noise,
                                 purpose                and lack of privacy.
                                 of the              •  Ask the students to brainstorm ideas on how to overcome
                                 lesson?                these challenges and make the most of their coworking

                                                 4.  Tips for Effective Coworking:
                                                     •  Provide tips on how to effectively work in a coworking space,
                                                        such as setting boundaries, being respectful of others, and
                                                        taking advantage of the community.
                                                     •  Ask the students to share their own tips and experiences of
                                              Learning outcomes:

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