Page 57 - MIL Syllabus and Lesson Plans
P. 57
Technostress: Technostress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or anxious as a
result of dealing with new technologies, such as digital devices, software, or
complex online systems. It can be caused by information overload, constant
connectivity, or difficulties in adapting to technological advancements.
Phishing Phobia: Phishing phobia is the fear of falling victim to phishing
attacks, which involve fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information, such
as passwords or credit card details, by posing as a trustworthy entity. Individuals
with this phobia may feel anxious about clicking on unfamiliar links or
providing personal information online.
Cybersecurity Anxiety: This is the fear or anxiety related to potential
cybersecurity threats, such as hacking, identity theft, or data breaches. It can
manifest as a constant worry about the security of personal information and a
reluctance to engage in online activities.
Digital Identity Theft Paranoia: This is an excessive fear of having one's
digital identity stolen or compromised. It may involve being overly cautious
about sharing personal information online, avoiding online transactions, or
mistrusting digital platforms and services.
It's important to note that while these phobias may exist, they are not recognized
as clinical diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-5). However, they reflect the psychological and emotional
impact that technology can have on individuals. If any of these fears
significantly interfere with daily functioning or cause distress, it is advisable to
seek support from a mental health professional.