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Vol.7, No. 2                                               June 2023
            FedUp PAC Leading the Way to Turn Grassroots

          Conservatives into the Leaders We’ve been Waiting for

               FedUp PAC Founder and                   seats in the Senate and barely limped
          Chairman Richard Viguerie has                across the finish line in House races to
          shared tried-and-true marketing              win a slim 5-seat majority as final
          lessons he learned from his 60 years         votes were counted in the days
          of experience that are explained in          following the election, far below even
          detail in his new book, GO BIG.              the lower pundit estimates of 30.                    Conservatives educating and empowering 100,000,000 voters to become an army of

               Today we apply two of those                 Violating the 4 Horsemen of                         modern-day Paul Reveres BRANDING the Democrats as Dangerous Elitist Socialists
          proven lessons to help explain the                  Marketing Doomed the
          Republican Party’s disappointing                             Red Wave
          2020 mid-term election results                    What went wrong for the GOP?
          when the GOP barely won back the             Republicans neglected to follow the
          U.S. House of Representatives                principles of Mr. Viguerie’s 4
          despite having huge advantages.
                                                       Horsemen of Marketing:
               You’ll recall the pundit’s predictions position, differentiation, benefit,
          before the midterms – from both              and brand.        (Continued on Page 2)
          liberals and conservatives – about how
          the GOP was all but certain to flip as            Viguerie Joins President
          many as 30 to 50 seats in the House                Reagan as Recipient of
          and possibly even win back control of           Hillsdale College’s Freedom
          the U.S. Senate.
                                                                Leadership Award
               Instead, we sadly lost several
                                                             FedUp PAC Founder and renown
             INSIDE THIS ISSUE                          direct marketer Richard Viguerie is
                                                        the latest recipient of the Freedom
            PAGE  1:  The Disappearing “Red Wave”       Leadership Award, presented by Dr.
            PAGE  1:  Richard Viguerie Joins
                  Ronald Reagan as Award Recipient      Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale
            PAGE 2   Conservative Issue Videos Can      College, on behalf of the Board of
                  Reach Millions                        Trustees, on February 5th, 2023, in
            PAGE 3: 2024 Election Integrity Plan        Hillsdale, Michigan.
            PAGE 5: No. 1 Issue Facing America
            PAGE 8:  GO BIG – Special Offer
                                                                          (Continued on Page 8)

            Paid for by FedUp PAC  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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