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(Continued from Page 2) to cast ballots for their candidates and
Running largely content-free campaigns against Republicans.
doesn’t define you.
Successful Marketing Makes
Worse, Republicans failed to tell voters All the Difference
how voting for them was in their best
interest. With inflation raging at a four- That’s how Democrats dissipated
decade high and the prices of gas and and minimized a Red Wave political
surge even when issues like inflation, a
groceries squeezing family budgets, the
heavy-handed Covid response, a
GOP said little about their own inflation-
fightting policies to get prices under control botched Afghanistan withdrawal,
by increasing oil production and curbing unpopular transgender sex education
for kindergarteners, and presidential
deficit spending. So what benefit was
there in voting for them? ethics questions rose up against them.
Republicans failed to go on the As far as the 2022 elections were
attack; Democrats gave voters concerned, the Democrats were better
a tune to whistle marketers. Republican wishy-washy,
content-free campaigns trying to please
The Democrats made no such mistakes.
They differentiated themselves as the everybody didn’t stand a chance even
preservers of Democracy and caretakers when both liberal and conservative
pundits agreed they had a red Tsunami
of the environment, labeling the GOP as
political extremists and climate deniers. at their backs.
If voters cast ballots for Democrats they’d Get GO BIG today and learn
benefit by “fighting climate change,” how to help take back our
“preserving democracy,” and “saving government in 2024
abortion rights.”
Be sure to visit the GO BIG website:
Rather than talk about inflation – a
weakness -- they defined themselves and to view my GO BIG book offer on page
their GOP opponents, giving voters reason 8 of this newsletter.
FedUp PAC Recommends 6-Point Election Reform
Plan to Address Widespread Voter Fraud
Many conservatives and independent Here are six election law reforms that
voters are concerned that voter fraud is if adopted will address about 85% of the
so widespread that America may soon areas where voter fraud occurs.
become a country controlled by one
political party.
(Continued on Page 4)