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Republicans About to Squander Yet Another

                      Favorable Election Wave in 2024

                       We Conservatives Must Re-focus GOP Candidates
                                  on the No. 1 Issue Facing America

          TO:           Conservative Leaders/Activists             Most are stressing the economy, China,
         FROM:          Richard A. Viguerie                   fentanyl, open borders, defund the police/crime,

         DATE:          June 12, 2023                         etc.  However, it’s my opinion that the most
         SUBJECT:     Quiz: What’s the most important         important issue all are failing to address is the

                        issue in America for Republican       Spiritual Civil War that the Democrats have
                        presidential candidates to address?   launched against traditional Judeo-Christian

              I’m conducting a national poll of several
          million conservatives via email.                         When the results of the poll are in next week,
                                                              I’ll send the results to all of the Republican
                The question I’m interested in is—do you      presidential candidates, as well as thousands of
         agree with my comments in the attached article, in
                                                              national, state, and local media, including
         which I say that most all Republican candidates      newspapers, magazines, newsletters, TV, radio,
          for president are failing to address what I feel is   bloggers, podcasters, major social media users,
         the most important issue?

                  GOP Candidates for President: What’s the Most

                             Important Issue Facing Americans?

                                             By: Richard A. Viguerie

               Recently, former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced his campaign for President,
           describing himself as a “consistent conservative.” He ran through a long list of public offices he’d
          held and issues he thought were important – the economy, crime, border security, fentanyl, computer

          science education, Social Security and Medicare – but he didn’t say one word about the most
          important issue facing our country today.

                That failure prompted me to take a look at the other Republican candidates for President and what
          they are saying.

               Running through the list – former President Donald Trump, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis,
          former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and South Carolina

          Senator Tim Scott, I couldn’t find one of them talking about it, let alone promising to fight it.

               In fact, comparing their stump speeches and announcements they all missed it, or probably
           avoided it, and consequently they all sounded very much like poll-driven, consultant packaged-
          politicians, not the leaders we need to win the great Spiritual Civil War that is upon us.

                                                                                    (Continued on Page 6)
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