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YOU Can Bypass the Biased Big Media by Forwarding FedUp

             PAC Video Messages to Help Educate Millions of Americans!


                  You can sound the alarm about the                       By taking matters into their own
             radical Left takeover of America without                hands and sharing it, conservatives

             waiting for the weak and ineffective GOP                bypass establishment media
             leadership to act.  Tell those you know the             censorship and aren’t frustrated by
             radical Democrat Party is corrupt, anti-God,            the typical content-free campaigning

             anti-police, mean, evil, violent, hateful, anti-        of GOP leadership.
             American socialists.

              Democrats Extremist on Abortion         Democrats are Anti-Police        Democrats’ Attack on Seniors

              ▲These are but a few of the FedUp PAC voter education videos.  Some are currently being re-worked for 2024,

              but the message remains the same: the Democrats will stop at nothing to keep power forever.

                   Forward FedUp PAC voter education                ACTION YOU CAN DO: Go our
              videos to educate voters about the deadly             website to forward these videos to others:
              consequences of the Democrats’ “Defund      

              the Police” campaign: fewer police                    new.  Videos include Seniors Deserve
              officers, more violent crime.  This hard-             True Healthcare, Why We Need Charter

              hitting video isn’t afraid to report the facts        Schools, and The Democrats Will Do
              and name the political leaders destroying             Anything to Dominate the Supreme

              America.                                              Court, plus 18 others.

                 (Continued from Page 1)                              GOP leadership mistakenly thought
                                                                 that just the fact they were not
                   His book, GO BIG, has more                    Democrats would be
              comprehensive explanations of these four
                                                                 enough to ride the
              principles.  Today, we’ll focus briefly on
              how violating even just two of these               Red Wave to victory.
              marketing principles led to the GOP’s              But just being “not

              disappointing election returns.  That’s            Democrats” doesn’t
              because Republicans failed to                      tell voters what you

              differentiate themselves from the                  stand for or help
              Democrats or offer voters any benefit for  them identify with

              casting their ballots for Republicans.             you.                       (Continued on Page 3)
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