Page 47 - Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
P. 47

do exist tend to be informal or profane. They are usually reserved for extreme
               emphasis. Here are some of the tamer ones: absolutely + bloody = abso-

               bloody-lutely (mildly offensive in the UK) absolutely + bleeding (a
               euphemized form of bloody) = abso-bleeding-lutely (mildly offensive in

               the UK) absolutely + blooming = abso-blooming-lutely absolutely +
               fricking (euphemism of an offensive word) = abso-fricking-lutely

               absolutely + posi(tive) = abso-posi-lutely fantastic + fricking = fan-fricking-

               tastic guaranteed + damn = guaran-damn-teed

               4.4.4 COMMON PREFIXES

               Prefixes go before a word.

                PREFIX                      MEANING                              EXAMPLE

                ab-                         away, from                           absent, abnormal

                anti-                       against                              antifreeze, anticlimax

                de-                         opposite of                          destruct, devalue

                dis-                        not, opposite of                     disagree, discover

                en-, em-                    cause to                             enact,           encode,

                fore-                       before, in front of                  forecast, foretell

                in-, im-                    in, into                             income,            infield,

                in-, im-, il-, ir-          not                                  injustice,      immoral,
                                                                                 illegal, irrational

                inter-                      between, among                       interact, interrupt

                mid-                        middle                               midlife, midway
                mis-                        wrongly                              misfire, misspell

                non-                        not                                  nonsense,

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