Page 43 - Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
P. 43
■ its: She said its satellite had malfunctioned. The house lost its
■ lead: Tests can determine whether there is lead in the water.
■ led: Mother Cat led her kittens to the woods. He led a long and happy
■ passed: No child passed the shop without looking at the toys in the
■ past: In the past, we would have farmed our own food.
■ principal: The school’s principal retired after 40 years. The
investment principal generated thousands in interest payments each
year. The principal city of Ghana is Accra.
■ principle: Our company’s first principle is to treat everyone fairly.
Following the scientific method is one of the principles of good
■ than: His hair is curlier than hers. I’d rather walk than drive. I feel
better today than I did yesterday.
■ then: First stir the dry ingredients, then add the milk. If you really want
to visit Mexico City, then what are you waiting for? We lived then in a
tiny apartment in New York City.
■ their: Children have their own ideas, just as adults do. They left their
backpacks in class.
■ there: There are a lot of farmers’ markets in Paris. I went there to
meet a friend. There’s no way we can afford a house this big.
■ they’re: The muffins will be golden brown when they’re done. Dogs
show they’re ready to play with wagging tails and playful poses.
■ to: Go to the store. I need to find pants that fit. She has a right to
know the truth.