Page 101 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 101

‘What  the  fuck  am  I  going  to  do  then?  This  is  how  I  earned  my
                livelihood. What the fuck do I do if I cannot write new songs.’

                   ‘What happens when you start to write?’ he asks politely. His face is as
                calm  as  the  ocean  today.  Low  tide  it  must  be.  When  the  ocean  pulls  the
                water back, it feels calm and silent.
                   ‘I  know  that  you  feel  broken.  But  love  is  the  only  thing  that  can  heal

                whatever  is  broken  -  the  dreams  or  the  heart.  I  kept  running  away  from
                people who loved me but eventually found comfort only on returning.’
                   ‘What’s the kind of love that heals? I’m sure I have not experienced it.’

                   ‘Or wait. Have you? If you’ve helped a specially-abled person cross the
                road and his/her smile seemed to make your day, yes you have! If you’ve
                cuddled  with  your  dog  after  leaving  him  deserted  for  days,  oh  yes,  you
                have! The kind of love that heals is selfless. Unfortunately, the kind of love
                that  prevails  is  selfish.  This  is  what  Uncle  Ricky  does  all  the  time.  Add

                value to the lives of others around him.’
                   I hear Madhuri knock on the door. It scares the shit out of me. ‘Hide,’ I
                whisper aloud to Aarav.

                   ‘Under the bed. Right now!’

                   He follows my command. I swing open the door.

                   ‘I  have  checked  the  ledgers.  A  woman  named  Elisabeth  occupied  this
                room for six months, from December 1997 to July 1998. That’s the closest
                name I could find to Elisha. I asked Maria but she does not remember a
                thing! I’m not sure if she’s your mother because we don’t have a last name.
                But here’s the thing. Her occupation is mentioned here as nurse. I hope this

                   She leaves silently.

                   ‘Hey! Did you hear her?’ I ask Aarav.
                   ‘Yes, I did!’

                   ‘My mother disappeared in Nov 1997. Can it be possible that she came
                all the way to Goa?’

                   ‘Without a legit passport? Visa? How is it possible? If she would have
                travelled with one, your dad and the police must have definitely known.’
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