Page 99 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 99

rock bottom.

                   ‘Ricky, you’re stubborn and selfish. Now I know exactly why she would
                not have come back to you,’ I say and start walking back towards the PG.
                Aarav stays back with his foolish uncle, while Parvathi accompanies me.
                   ‘I  will  talk  to  mom  and  set  up  your  visit  soon.  Maybe  we  can  find
                something there.’

                   ‘Thank you, Parvathi. You are the only one that I can trust from the lot.
                Thank you for walking beside me.’

                   As I reach back, some people from the neighbourhood are gathered on
                the porch. They are standing in a circular formation. God knows if aliens
                have hit the land in between. I see Akkriti standing in the outermost circle. I
                walk up to her, ‘What happened?’

                   ‘Lucky died.’
                   ‘What? How?’

                   ‘He did not wake up from his sleep.’
                   ‘He was Maria’s life. She must be so upset. It’s been a terrible day.’

                   I walk up to Maria as I say, ‘He was a good soul.’
                   She looks at me with an undeterred face. She is composed. It feels as if

                she has come to terms with the fact that he had died long back.
                   ‘The weak try to control others. The strong are in control of themselves.
                Maria looks like a really strong person me,’ I tell Akkriti.

                   ‘The pain of parting with anyone is immense. But life is more about how
                you look at it than how it really is!’ she smiles. ‘I lost my family at the age
                of 5. I have been sold for trade multiple times. I still feel the pain but I can
                do nothing about it. Life is like that arrogant DJ who wouldn’t take requests
                but play his own music. All you can do is wait till he plays your song and

                enjoy it while it lasts.’
                   She has a point. We keep quiet for a while. In the past few days, I started
                to love Lucky too. It just does not go down well with me. First, the fight
                with Ricky. Now, this. I can’t even bother Maria about the documents today.

                   I  walk  back  to  my  room.  ‘How  have  you  been?’  I  hear  Aarav  with  a
                gentle knock at my door. I don’t know what to say as I don’t know what
                would he be more interested in, knowing the truth or having a story that
                sells. There is this one thing about people and the whole world in general.

                Seldom does  anybody want to know  or  appreciate the truth. Most  of  the
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