Page 18 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 18


                   The shower is where I have made love from the heart and bled dreams
                from the eyes.
                   But tonight, I will tell you more about bleeding dreams than making love.
                Disappointed you must feel, but I don’t have an option, I have to tell my

                   Bleeding dreams isn’t just crying. It is not even bleeding, exactly. When
                you’ve cried so much that your eyes become red like blood, this is when
                you’re bleeding dreams. When you’ve tried your best to believe that your

                dream will come true but can’t walk any further, or even crawl any further;
                this is when you’re bleeding dreams.
                   I have been doing that in the shower, my temple, for as long as I can

                   Tonight, as I stand beneath the flowing shower and lean my head against
                the wall, I can feel the heavy sighs. These sighs scream that my chest will
                explode at any moment, oozing out blood like honey from a honeycomb,
                becoming one with the flowing water draining into the pipeline.

                   There’s haze in the bathroom, dim yellow lights, the sound of water on
                marble and a symphony of crickets chirping. It’s night. I can hear my breath
                letting  out  music  similar  to  that  from  a  broken  conch  shell—dismal,
                distressing,  and  sharp.  After  all,  it  is  in  the  company  of  music  that  you
                worship God, or the demon, don’t you?

                   I don’t always talk to my soul as I am doing tonight. It is mostly about
                listening.  My  soul  tells  me  about  the  goodness  in  the  world,  such  as  the
                smell of the ocean far away, where I should be spending my next vacation.

                It tells me that unlike the place I live in, it rains for hours and hours, the
                way I like it, in some parts of the world. It tells me that I’m insignificant in
                this vast universe, boundaries to which could never be known, and that I
                can calm down, breathe, and then take a step forward. It tells me to help the
                needy, who aren’t half as fortunate as I am, and spend time with them.

                   It tells me to love my dad, despite everything. Most of all, it tells me to
                listen to my heart.
                   Don’t forget this one, as I never do, it tells me to listen to my heart. I

                listen to it bravely and do as it tells me to. Yes, I am the one who listens to
                my heart.
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