Page 61 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 61

He said, ‘Did you recently break up?’

                   Everything about him was moderate, except for the simple audacity of
                raising  such  a  question,  or  even  to  know  something  of  this  sort  at  first
                   ‘Who are you?’

                   ‘I’m the owner of this place.’

                   ‘Ricky?’ Having stayed in Goa for three years by then, I was familiar
                with Goans naming their establishments after themselves.
                   ‘When did this happen?’

                   ‘The break up?’

                   ‘We have not broken up. Why would you care?’
                   ‘It  looks  like  you  aren’t  sleeping  well.  Coffee  is  more  expensive  than
                beer in Goa. If you’re ordering that, something is definitely up with you!

                Better for my business though,’ he chuckled and left.
                   ‘Creepy fellow!’ I sighed.

                   As I sipped my cup of coffee, the song in the background changed to the
                cult classic ‘Let It Be ’ by The Beatles. I took out my smartphone from my
                pocket. It was something I had longed to do in the past few minutes as I was
                keenly waiting for Tara’s call; she had promised that she would call.

                   I hadn’t taken a look at the notifications in the last ten minutes due to the
                hasty march towards the shack, as opposed to the past few weeks when my
                average  rate  of  checking  the  cell  phone  was  an  incredulous  100  times  a
                minute, except for the three hours of sleep at night, enough for a person to
                be termed as deranged. I was not deranged—just an insomniac, or so I told
                myself to not end up questioning my rationality every few seconds.

                   One New Message, the screen read.
                   I tapped the app icon with the excitement of a small child poking soap

                bubbles  blown  by  roadside  toy-vendors  at  tourist  places  such  as  The
                Gateway of India. However, it was not Mumbai and I was not a child, but
                all I was here with was immense hope.

                   It’s not working anymore.
                   I am getting married.
                   All the best.
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