Page 65 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 65

‘This new girl Alara is performing really well,’ Sheen says as she walks up
                to me. ‘She is good for our weekend business. You must ask her to perform
                every Saturday,’ she adds.

                   Has it ever happened to you that the other person says exactly the thing
                that  you  have  been  thinking  of,  and  at  that  very  moment?  True  friends
                mostly know it all. And I like Sheen, just for that!

                   ‘I will see.’ I tell her, just to draw out that I-don’t-give-a-shit look on her
                   Alara  reminds  me  of  Elisha.  While  there’s  hardly  a  chance  that  they

                would be related, I must check on her just to be sure. The crowd goes mad
                as she steps down the stage, and I realize that another star is born, right here
                at Ricky’s.
                   Now  it’s  Aarav  who  has  to  perform.  I  know  this  champ  will  rule  the

                   ‘Aarav, go for it!’ I scream as he looks stupefied on stage. After a long
                pause, almost three minutes, he starts:

                   I am Aarav.

                   Sad, depressed, and a comic. I know ironic.
                   Or is it? I don’t know.

                   So  I  am  recently  single.  It’s  hard.  I  have  started  hating  every  couple
                around me. And the rock bottom of the problem is not that you are single.
                You  hit  rock  bottom  when  you  find  out  that  even  fucking  Ramesh  has  a
                girlfriend now. Ramesh has one. Ramesh. You know Ramesh? He asks the

                   A girl from the audience replies no.

                   See,  that  is  how  unremarkable  Ramesh  is.  Fucking  Ramesh  from

                   So we broke up six months ago. By we, I mean SHE decided that it is not
                working anymore between US.

                   I really loved her. I really do love her. Do not know why. I hate her. I hate
                that her one smile can make your day. I hate that she brings joy to people
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