Page 68 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 68

‘Something? As in? I did not get you?’ she retorts in surprise, her voice
                louder than usual.

                   ‘While  playing  with  one  instrument  one  should  be  prepared.  Focus  on
                more original songs, as that is the spirit of Ricky’s Beach Shack. You may
                come down here during the day and practice with Shiva. Shiva plays the
                guitar for us.’

                   ‘What is it that sets some journeys apart from the others?’ I ask, curious
                to see who  answers  first, and of  course better! That’s  one of  the tricks I

                learnt from my mother.
                   Alara volunteers, ‘All of us have the traits of a hero within us, and ideally
                all of us are heroes. Each one of us experiences the negative emotion of fear
                at  some  point  in  our  lives,  just  like  the  heroes  whose  journeys  we’re
                celebrating. What makes a difference is to make a move or take an action to

                overcome it.’
                   Aarav  quips,  ‘I  don’t  believe  that  all  of  us  become  heroes,  but  it  is
                important to set out on the journey of a hero.’

                   ‘So, what are you waiting for?’ Alara and I say in unison. Thereafter, we
                laugh at the coincidence.

                   ‘Does she remind you of Elisha?’ Aarav breaks the silence. He looks at
                Alara and continues, ‘I hope not. Otherwise, your weekend employment is
                cancelled. He hates her.’

                   ‘Who is she?’ Alara replies.
                   ‘She can’t remind me of Elisha. Her voice is perfect but songs lack the
                depth  of  emotions  and  the  beautiful  stories  that  Elisha  told  through  her
                music,’ I say.

                   ‘My music teacher told me to write down what I feel during sleepless
                nights. It will help me heal. That’s what I do! It’s hurting to know that you
                feel I am not good enough.’

                   ‘If  you  plan  to  do  something,  you  have  to  be  the  best  at  it.  You  will
                survive being mediocre, but it is a whole other ball game to go beyond that.
                Expecting you to be better next week.’ Her face turns visibly red. She must
                assume that she’s the best, but she isn’t. I have certainly seen the best and
                she is not it.

                   ‘Hmm,’ she replies.
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