Page 72 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 72

‘You’re planning to stay until the New Years? That’s what Parvathi told
                me over the phone call.’

                   ‘We generally do not let out our rooms for less than six months. But this
                penthouse  has  been  vacant  for  a  long  time.  Nobody  wants  to  stay  so  far
                cutoff from the city centre. So, we’ve decided to let you have it at 30,000

                rupees  for  two  months.  You  have  to  pay  50%  in  advance,’  she  says
                mechanically.  It  seems  like  Maria  does  not  speak  much  and  has  trained
                Madhuri to look after her and the property.

                   ‘I’m moving in today,’ I reply with a smile.
                   I head back to the hotel and Parvathi helps me do up my new place. ‘Didi
                , write as your heart desires on this desk. I am sure you will touch a million
                souls,’ she says and walks out. She tells me that she has to pick her mother
                up from a nearby orphanage where she works as a nurse.

                   I hit the beach for the very first time since I have arrived. As I jump and
                dance all on my own, I feel so liberated as I can live like Ramy for two
                months. I have watched it in the movies for so long, but this feels pretty real

                now. I am at a place where I can be who I wish to be without adhering to
                the norms of the society. Splashing around in the water like the birds and
                animals from the jungle, singing and shouting out loud, contemplating and
                writing my next song, running endlessly along the shore, trekking up the
                cliffs nearby. Yes, this is my home. In the wilderness, don’t let your phone
                ring, only your heart sing!

                   Like Ramy says on his blog on the open road : The world is our home. It
                is delusional to call your apartment home. Even worse, to stick to the same
                place  all  through  your  lives.  If  you’ve  found  love,  happiness,  or
                togetherness somewhere, you’ve certainly found a home.

                   Relax. Calm down. Meditate. Your mind needs cleansing just like your
                body. When you travel, make sure that you cleanse your mind and soul in
                the embrace of nature, flowing water preferably. The sound of water acts
                like a healer. Always take some time out to spend with yourself and heal. I
                am  cleansing  myself  in  the  Arabian  Sea,  literally.  The  water  is  clear  as

                crystal  and  as  green  and  glittery  as  emerald,  and  I’m  sure  it  has  taken  a
                journey  traversing  ages,  universes.  What  if  a  part  of  it  has  touched  my
                mother too.
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