Page 120 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 120

‘If we find Elisha, will you play the drums again?’

                   ‘Maybe, yes!’
                   ‘I am glad that I now have three reasons to find Elisha!’

                   ‘Don’t be too optimistic.’
                   ‘What could have happened to her?’

                   ‘I can’t comment on that. I was away when all the news of her flooded
                the market. I really don’t know. But what I know for sure is that she never
                   We  keep  chatting  for  hours  until  the  sun  arrives  to  announce  the

                beginning of another day. Late night conversations with someone you bond
                with  are  one  of  the  greatest  assets  in  the  treasure  of  your  memories.  I
                remember every such conversation I have had with Elisha.

                   I tell Aarav, ‘The most successful people are not the most talented ones,
                but  the  stronger  ones  who  keep  at  it  and  do  everything  to  realize  their
                dreams.’ I then leave for my morning run and Aarav crashes into the bed of
                his coco-hut.
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