Page 116 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 116

first time.

                   ‘A taxi driver on an isolated island by choice, as there would be no one
                from his family to judge him,’ Romeo had suggested.
                   Now, Romeo runs his own taxi agency. He earns a commission for all the
                ad-hoc  tourists  he  gets  for  us.  He  also  helps  us  with  the  airport/railway
                station pick-ups/drops for our guests. Romeo worked as a chartered account

                in Mumbai before he took an early retirement.
                   That’s the thing about Goa. It does not let you stay away for long. Sooner
                or  later,  it  calls  you  back.  Romeo  is  one  of  the  very  first  guys  I  helped

                realize their dreams.
                   Let  me  ask  you  this,  what  would  you  be  if  you  were  stranded  on  an

                   At least pick a Saturday now and then and make it your private island. Be
                whoever you want to be, do whatever the day wants you to do. Aarav, I am
                excited to watch you perform tonight.

                   A lot of people have gathered tonight to watch Aarav perform and I am
                sure that he will rock the audience for sure. Sheen and I gesture at him with
                our thumbs up.
                   He moves to the stage, clears his throat, and greets everyone with a wide

                smile. He exudes the exact amount of confidence that I have been hoping
                from him since the first time we met. He pulls in a huge amount of air as he

                   Okay, is it misogynistic if I have a hotness scale? This is in my mind. It is
                constantly rating people around me.
                   Is it wrong? Hmm ...

                   The audience, mostly the women in it, go ‘booo’. Some of the men start
                   Okay okay, I see what’s happening here. I know men are assholes, but we

                came calibrated with this shit.
                   All of you women, look around you. It’s not just me, all the guys have it
                and do it all the time.

                   So let me raise an olive branch here. I don’t have it only for women. I do
                it to guys too.
                   I have a hotness scale for guys too.
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