Page 112 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 112

‘That’s poetic.’

                   ‘What do you think of the sea?’
                   ‘If  I  had  to  describe  the  sea  in  three  words,  they  would  be  -  endless,
                eternal, thought provoking.’

                   ‘What thought does it provoke in you, at this very moment?’
                   ‘There is always a sunrise somewhere. While the sun is setting here for

                us, it’s rising in some other part of the world. It is all one’s perspective.’
                   ‘And death? Does it mean a new life?’
                   ‘Death is a mystery, Alara. But they say death does make way for new

                life. Every part of our body will become a part of the universe again. The
                only thing that is life is the continuity, the soul.’

                   I  walk  towards  my  side  and  set  a  heap  of  twigs  and  branches  on  fire.
                Thankfully, it isn’t raining and Captain America has left the woods.

                   ‘Have you ever stared at the stars? Or at the fire? It’s the same, isn’t it?
                Stars are burning gases in the galaxy too. But since the stars are far away,
                their heat doesn’t hurt you as much as the fire near you. Time can change
                perspective and heal everything. In the darkest of the dark, there is light.’

                   ‘That’s thoughtful!’ says Alara.
                   ‘What’s on your mind?’

                   ‘Mom. As always.’
                   ‘We’ll find her, together, I promise!’

                   ‘I trust the one I love but I can never trust love itself.’
                   ‘Nothing is more important than your smile, laughter. Rest can be taken
                care of!’

                   ‘What do you think is the most important thing while being in love?’

                   ‘Uncle  Ricky  often  mentions  that  respecting  the  other  person’s
                individuality when in love is very important. I kind of agree with most of
                the things he says.’
                   She  instantly  hits  me  on  my  back.  Women  hit  men  everywhere,  in
                restaurants, cafes, bars, when they are happy and when they are sad.

                   ‘He is a good fellow. You need to patch up with him.’

                   ‘Life isn’t beautiful! Yes, that’s how it is. But somehow, love empowers
                life to feel beautiful. My love for you does that to me. Although I have met
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