Page 109 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 109

‘I think about life. I think about how complex it is. I am inquisitive. I
                seek answers to anything that causes doubt. I believe in asking questions
                rather than simply following the established constitutions. I am not a rebel,

                certainly not. But I am a wanderer. I keep flowing with the line of thought,
                questions, and ideas. There is no end to it. And so often I end up being lost
                in  my  own  space.  It  may  seem  paradoxical,  but  I  enjoy  the  moment  by
                being in it, in my own world!’
                   ‘And I enjoy listening to you. I enjoy knowing you more. I enjoy sharing

                this space with you on the beach. I enjoy being with you, without a beer
                can.  I  enjoy  watching  you  get  lost  in  your  own  world.  I  enjoy  seeing
                through your eyes. I enjoy the waves from the ocean touch our feet as we
                lie  beneath  the  canopy  of  coconut  trees.  I  enjoy  the  breeze  playing  with
                every inch of you. I also love the goose bumps on your hands at this very
                moment. So, is it the breeze or my words that are causing them?’ I ask as I

                look straight into her eyes.
                   ‘The breeze!’ she says confidently, looking right back into my eyes.

                   ‘Your eyes look more truthful.’
                   ‘You don’t believe my words.’

                   ‘I don’t!’
                   ‘I can make you faint with ecstasy without touching you.’

                   ‘Your  voice  does  that  to  me  all  the  time.  I  still  remember  when  you
                performed  at  Ricky’s  for  the  first  time.  I  have  been  listening  to  you  on
                YouTube as well.’

                   ‘You’ve stalked me.’
                   ‘You’re fairly popular!’

                   ‘You’ve  mentioned  Tara  a  couple  of  times.  Do  you  mind  sharing  the
                   ‘One  of  the  nights  this  summer,  I  booked  a  cab  and  reached  our

                apartment. We had been living in for 3 years by then. We went to the same
                university, fell in love, and decided to move in. She was fast asleep in the
                bedroom. I thought not to wake her up. I read a few messages on her phone
                and realized that she had started seeing someone else. Later, she told me
                that I misunderstood and it was some other shit. Finally, on my first visit to
                Ricky’s,  where  she  was  supposed  to  join  me,  she  messaged  that  she  is
                getting married to a guy her family had scavenged for her. After she left, I
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