Page 111 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 111

Her anger isn’t perfect. It makes her look like a wicked monster as she
                shouts and makes me feel miserable. Her tongue isn’t perfect and craves for
                everything  mine  doesn’t.  I  don’t  like  to  eat  salads  as  she  does.  I  prefer

                pizzas all the time.
                   All  I  want  from  her  is  to  part  her  lips  again  to  kiss  me  hard.  I  am
                imperfect by every measure, yet it is in her arms that I feel perfect by any
                measure. And all this time she makes me feel imperfect by making me do
                things that I had only dreamt about so far.

                   I love to play with her legs, and I love it even more when occasionally
                her legs play with mine against the sand. She touches me in places no one
                was allowed to and no one has yet, but it feels like prayer.

                   When we regain our senses, I realize that this moment between us might
                not last forever, that the sun would be up to lighten the vistas drenched in
                rains, that this moment was ephemeral. But I wouldn’t be able to thank the
                universe enough for this ephemeral moment when I could feel ‘forever’.

                   Love is the only thing that can heal whatever is broken - the dreams or
                the heart. Making love to someone is like having the key to unlock their
                deepest  secrets.  The  conversation  that  follows  flows  effortlessly.  It’s  like
                breaking the barrier of ego in front of at least one person and becoming the

                real you for a while. The need to lie fades as much as the need to please
                someone. You become just you, as you are, beautiful inside out.
                   ‘What’s  the  craziest  thing  you  guys  do  in  college?’  she  asks  as  she
                dresses up and throws my clothes on my face.

                   ‘We make every guy dress up like a girl and dance like a stripper on their
                birthday.  In  fact,  last  week,  a  batchmate  of  mine  accidentally  played  an
                adult  film  on  the  projector  during  the  final  viva.  Is  it  any  different  in

                   ‘I should have attended college in India. It’s fun back there, but it sounds
                a lot more fun here.’
                   ‘What do you like about me?’

                   ‘You mostly smell like cigarettes and black coffee. And when it rains, I
                want  to  have  you  right  next  to  me,  to  make  me  feel  light-headed  like
                cigarettes  do  and  to  provide  me  with  the  warmth  of  black  coffee.  I  am

                drawn  to  men  who  smoke,  I  find  them  irresistible.  You  aren’t  all  things
                great  but  all  things  imperfect,  and  it  is  this  imperfection  that  drives  me
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