Page 107 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 107

‘The  waves  are  very  strong  here.  Don’t  enter  the  water  if  you  can’t

                   ‘Can you?’

                   ‘But I can, so don’t worry,’ she laughs.
                   I watch her play on the beach. I take my diary out and start writing for

                the New Year’s Eve performance.
                   ‘You are a coward!’ she says as I shoot down her every effort to drag me
                into the sea. I give her all my attention, not missing even an opportunity to
                flirt with her.

                   ‘I will catch you!’ she screams as she runs after me.
                   ‘Alara! You won’t be able to,’ I reply as I run away.

                   ‘I will,’ she affirms and continues to chase me.
                   ‘As you wish,’ I reply panting, as I stop a few meters away. She pants

                and walks slowly towards me.
                   I don’t move an inch after this. We sit on the sand that glows against the
                sunlight. It starts to get colder. The adrenaline from the chase starts to fade
                away slowly. I feel a momentary chill wash down my body. I rub my palms

                against each other to generate some feeble heat from the friction.
                   She does nothing but look at me, and for the first time since we met, I
                feel some depth in her action. She wears a blue shirt, blue as the deepest
                ocean, along with black shorts, both dripping with sea water.

                   I feel a bit awkward and gaze towards the sea. When you are attracted to
                someone, you tend to check them out, starting from places that you are most
                attracted to. I don’t want to come across as a guy who ogles and stares. I
                need to win her over.

                   At that very instant I want to hold her, but my mind gets overwhelmed
                with  thoughts.  Maybe  she  has  decided  to  play  the  chase  because  she  is
                interested in me? Or maybe she just wants to make it easy for me to catch
                her? Or maybe she isn’t fit enough to run some more? Men can never read

                women. It almost frustrates me.
                   Finally, I push myself back on the sand and lie there as I look towards the
                endless sky. She does the same. She continues to look at me. It’s getting me
                equally excited and nervous. I stay calm.
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