Page 102 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 102

‘Under a false name or identity maybe? Elisabeth could be a false name?’

                   ‘We must visit the orphanage as well. Parvathi can guide us.’
                   ‘Yes, makes sense.’

                   ‘Will you promise me something, Alara?’

                   ‘We would give it our best try. We may or may not find her. But you’ll
                accept the reality that we discover, whatever it may be.’
                   ‘It’s hard to commit. But I will give it my best effort.’

                   ‘Be ready at 11 AM tomorrow.’

                   ‘I am taking you to your mother’s secret hideaway.’
                   ‘How do you know about it?’

                   ‘Ricky mentioned it to me.’

                   ‘I will ask Parvathi to join us. We can fix up a day visit to the orphanage.’

                   ‘See you tomorrow.’
                   After Aarav leaves, the only thing I want to do is to call up my dad and
                ask him if he has any idea whether mom left Czech. But calling him will

                only interrupt my search, I fear, in case he has something to do with her
                disappearance. I keep tossing and turning in bed. I take a break and write a
                song for my next performance. After much effort spent in trying to sleep, I
                head to the shower.
                   Dreams hurt. Fears thwart. Obsessions take control.

                   But love, the kind that Aarav was talking about, nurtures. When the love
                is sexual, there’s a relationship, with a defined beginning and end. For the
                desire  eventually  fades  away,  if  not  disappears  completely.  But  in  love

                devoid of all expectations, every day is a new beginning. Every fall is a new
                spring! This love isn’t a destination; it’s more like a journey. It’s beyond
                bodies,  yours  and  mine.  It’s  the  light  of  the  soul.  Lying  naked  next  to
                someone,  I  could  have  felt  incomplete.  But  as  I  sit  naked  beneath  this
                flowing shower - hurt, vulnerable, and all by myself - I feel full of light and
                love. I strangely feel complete.
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