Page 97 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 97

with Maria and tried to find out a lot more than I possibly can here.

                   ‘You may choose to enjoy the journey in this moment, or wait to arrive at
                the destination all the way. The choice is yours,’ Aarav replies.
                   ‘The whole thing is about reaching the destination. I am not going back
                without my mom, or an answer perhaps!’

                   ‘That’s not the point. Try to imagine your mother being here. Spending
                her childhood in those trees, sometimes hiding in the corridors.’

                   ‘I have imagined things for a long time now. I need results.’
                   ‘It is not going to be easy, you will need a release at some point in your
                life. The choice between tears and sweat will make all the difference. Don’t
                be a crybaby.’

                   ‘Why do we need a teacher in life?’ Ricky asks all of us, but I assume
                Aarav specifically.

                   ‘To be humble,’ Aarav volunteers.
                   ‘What  would  Elisha  answer?  Do  you  guys  know?  I  will  tell  you.  She
                would say, to have some people in life one can make fun of. Don’t judge
                her. We were in high school. She literally scared an entire class with a serial

                killer mask. She never got caught. You all know her as the dark and intense
                singer  she  was.  But  she  wasn’t  that  always.  When  I  look  back  at  our
                childhood, I remember her as a serious trouble maker.’

                   I smile. Then I smile wider. I break into laughter. I see the point. Ricky
                isn’t so bad after all. He just wants to narrate his story right at the place
                where it happened.
                   ‘With our weekend performances, Elisha and I would make just enough
                pocket money to be able to afford our basic college expenses. I would buy

                some cigar like the British tourists for my teenage fixation to look cool and
                she  would  buy  some  new  dresses  for  her  next  performance.  She  was  so
                stylish and charming that people would fall for her even before listening to
                her melodious voice. And once they’d been held captive by her voice they
                would often return the next weekend with a couple more people. She was

                equally loved among the locals and the tourists.’
                   Parvathi  interrupts,  ‘Why  don’t  you  play  the  drums  anymore?’  Ricky
                doesn’t  bother  to  answer,  he  rather  takes  a  sip  from  his  alcohol  bottle.  I
                don’t really know the reason so I choose not to prod him any further.
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