Page 95 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 95

‘Maria said the other day that I remind her of someone. Look here. This
                folder is full of my mother’s documents. I accidentally found it in the attic.’

                   ‘This is very abrupt. You can’t just enter and mess with things. She is old,
                she has Alzheimer’s. She needs time to recall anything even if she has a
                connection to any of it, which I doubt.’
                   ‘I can’t wait.’

                   ‘Which room number is mentioned on it?’

                   ‘I have been working here for five years now. I know more than Maria
                knows. What is your mother’s name?’

                   ‘Okay, I don’t know any Elisha except for that famous singer who died

                long back.’
                   ‘She is my mother.’

                   ‘Are  you  guys  taking  drugs  at  Ricky’s?  That’s  one  of  the  most  stupid
                places here in Goa. I can see the impact on you. After performing there you
                have lost your sanity, Alara.’
                   ‘Madhuri, I can prove it, okay?’

                   ‘Just get out of here. Come back in the evening. I will speak with Maria,
                and also check the ledgers and the registers. Maria collects everything. She
                has this habit of not letting go of old crap. I know that because I have to
                keep cleaning and organizing her stuff,’  she  says  in a frustrated tone. ‘If

                there’s any connection, we would definitely know.’
                   She drags us out of the room and shuts the door in my face. Akkriti tells
                me to be patient and fetches a glass of water for me.

                   ‘Are  you  really  Elisha’s  daughter?’  she  asks,  her  eyes  wide  open  in
                   ‘Yes, please keep it a secret. I don’t want to fall under the local media’s

                attention.’ I suddenly realize that a lot of people know the truth now.
                   ‘You can count on me,’ she smiles.

                   We walk back to the room. She tells me to go to the school with Ricky,
                and to also share the details with him. She assures me that Ricky would
                certainly be able to help me, much better than Madhuri.
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